Pollyannas Day Nursery Forest School, Prestbury
Pollyannas Day Nursery Forest School activities
Pollyannas Day Nursery outdoor learning


Forest School now open!


Our new outdoor learning experience, Pollyanna’s Forest School, is new for 2023 and is completely different to a traditional day in nursery!

We’ve added our dedicated outdoor Forest School space to our child daycare to provide an engaging and educational (yet fun!) learning experience for children to spend more time outdoors and with nature.

Our Child-led activities help to explore nature and learn about the environment, as well as getting that all-important fresh air.

Our own dedicated, private, safe and secure outside space is adjacent to our main Nursery. It features a safe outside environment, with grassland, a mud kitchen, a rope swing, shed and digging areas. We also have a bell tent and canopy area which we use for fun activities and as learning spaces.

We use nature as inspiration, and as a tool to help children to experience not just the wider world, but themselves as well.

The mud will wash off but the memories will last a lifetime!

Our Forest School in Prestbury is open from 09:30 to 11:30 each morning, 5 days a week

The birds and wildlife we see and learn about include caterpillars and butterflies, and we also learn about and look after our blackberry and raspberry bushes. We have a hedgehog house with night vision camera. 

Puddle suits, wellies and outdoor clothing are provided when required.

Pollyannas Day Nursery childrens outdoor activities